
Jogador caçando pinguins.
Imagem detalhada do icone de Caça.

Caça é uma Habilidade para Membro que permite que os jogadores cassem animais pelo RuneScape. Caça foi lançada em 21 de novembro de 2006. apesar de Caça não ser uma Habilidade de combate, os jogadores podem sofrer danos enquanto caçam. Usando esquipamentos de caça comprados das lojas de caça, os jogadores podem caçar criaturas específicas, e obtem recompensas como Ossos, borboletas, pele de animais, etc. Existem somentes 2 lojas de caça: uma em Yanille; outra em Nardah.

Lojas de caça

Empório do Caçador do Aleck em Yanille e outra em Nardah Nardah

Empório do Caçador do Aleckvende objetos de caça.
1Varinha de caça4 gpRastreamento
1Armadilha para Ave6 gpPássaros
15Rede de borboleta24 gpRede de borboleta
15Pote de Borboleta1 gpRede de borboleta
27Armadilha38 gpArmadilha
27Armadilha para coelho18 gpCoelhos
31Vara de provocação1 gpFosso
39Tocha4 gpEsfumaça armadilhas para retirar os rastros do jogador
71Caixa mágica720 gpArmadilha de Diabinhos

Outros objetos uteis são:

1Espeto de ferroÉ usado para cozinhar feras e pássaros, e também coelhos crus
5Odre D'águaProteção contra o calor do deserto de Al Kharid
23Faca e Lenha (e/ou machado para corta-lás)Armadilha mortal e Armadilha de Fosso
27Corda para voar com as águiasSistema de transporte com águias
29Corda e Rede de pescaArmadilha de Rede
29Isca - 15 Piche do pântano, erva (guam, marrentil, tarromin, harralander),PilãoArmadilha de Rede
39Caixa de Fogo para acender a tocha. Nota, clicando com o botão esquerdo na tocha acesa ela vai ser apagar.Para acender uma tocha
43500 moedas para alugar um falcãoFalcoaria (veja abaixo)
51Isca - Carne cruaArmadilha mortal
53Isca - Tomate apimentado ou Picado de carne picanteArmadilha
71Isca - Miçangas da missão (Caça aos diabinhos)Caixa do diabinho

Balestras e Setas

Leon dentro da loja de caça em Yanille vende um Balestra de caça por 1,300 moedas ae fabrica setas por um pequeno pagamento.

Nota você pode fazer as suas próprias setas usando um cinzel no espinho de kebbit. A Balestra de Caça é uam balestra rápida (tão rápida quanto qualquer arco curto) requer 50 de 50 Combate à distancia para empunhar.

Armazém de Roupas finas


Você recebe muitos tipo de peles enquanto está caçando e todas elas podem serem trocadas no Armazém de roupas finas no Sudeste de Varrock para diferentes tipos de Casacos de pele. O dono da loja de fantasias precisa de um pouco de moedas para fazer conjuntos de casacos de pele.

Selecione Falar com Dono da loja de fantasias, depois selecione a opção que fala de caça, qual depende do tipo de pele que você possui em seu inventório, "Você poderia fazer algo com essa pele que consegui caçando?" ou "Você pode fazer roupa adequada para caça?"

As roupas de peles de kebbit, doninha e diabo do deserto são para fazer roupas de camuflagem. Kyatt, Graahk and Larúpia são uma peça melhorada de camuflagem para a área(s) de onde a pele foi caçada. Vestindo a camufalgem aumenta suas chances de capturar sua presa.

O preço para as roupas variam de 20 para 200 moedas. Você precisa de 2 peles por capa feita, e 3 pele por toda a roupa de camuflagem.

Outras Recompensas

Outras Recompensas incluem penas coloridas, espinhos para braceleiras e setas, Arpão empunhavél, ingredientes para Poção de caças e Poção extrema do arqueiro, criaturas que são armas para combate à distancia, e borboletas que aumenta os bonus de combate em outros jogadores.

Áreas para Caça

Área para caça são locais onde os jogadores conseguem caçar. A maior parte das Áreas de caça , incluindo lojas de caça, são perto de um Anel das fadas. O anel central é em Zanaris que é perto de um banco que pode ser usado para depositar suas recompensas. Outros métodos de transporte estão listados abaixo.

Depois de completar a missão O pico das águias , o jogador pode usar o Transporte de águias para voar de uma águia do pico das águias na área da floresta para outros 3 lugares de treinar: Nevada, Selva e Deserto.

Áreas de caça
Tipo de ÁreaNível da presaGuia de CaçaNome no Manual do guia do jogoAnel das Fadas
Áreas de Treinamento
- muitas espécies
1SelvaRegião do caçador de FeldipAKS
1NeveRegião do caçador da neve (polar)DKS
3FlorestaRegião do caçador de PiscatorisAKQ
5DesertoRegião do caçador de UzerDLQ
Áreas de caça
- 1 espécies
29PântanoÁrea do Lagarto do pantano (Leste de Canifis)CKS
41KaramjaÁrea do Graahk com chifres (Karamja)CKR
43Floresta (Falcoaria)Área de Falcoaria (3 tipos de kebbits)AKQ
59Altar*Área da Salamandra vermelha (ZMI, sudoeste de Ardonha Ocidental)
67Lava*Área da Salamandra Negra (Terra Selvagem nível 20)
Lojas de caça

Áreas de Treinamento

Existem 5 áreas principais com criaturas para caçar. Noss locais de treinamento permite que o jogador use muitos métodos de captura : Rastreamento, armadilha de rede, armadilha com caixas, captura e derrubar no fosso.


Um Feldipino carmesim

A Região do caçador de Feldip é localizada na maior parte do sul das Colinas Feldip. O jogador pode capturarFeldipino carmesims aqui bem como Alvêola tropicais, Doninhas de Feldip, Larupia espinhosas, Kebbit cauda farpada e Chinchompas carnívoras. A area pode ser alcançada andando de Yanille (Teleporte a torre de sentinela) ou do banco da Guerra das Cidadelas (Teleporte do Anel de duelos).Um bom método para se chegar a esta area é usando o sistema de transporte do Anel das fadas . de Zanaris,usando o código AKS. Ou como, o Planador dos gnomos leva os jogadores ao norte da área de caça,depois da missão Um Favorzinho,ou com nível 10 de magia voce pdoe usar o teleporte Mobilisação de exercitos e andar para o norte.


Kebbit Dente de sabre

A Região do caçador da neve é localizada ao norte de Rellekka. Os alvos de caça são Kebbit Polar, Ceruleano celeste, Safira glacialis, Cavaleiro da neve, Kebbit dente de sabre, e Kyatt com dente de sabre. Um método para chegar a área é usando o Anel das fadas. Do anel das fadas central usando o código DKS e indo para o norte para a área de caça. Andando de Rellenkka pode ser uma boa opção porque existem muitos teleportes para Rellenkka. Além disso, caçando Kebbit Polar para Pele de Kebbit Polar é um bom meio de se ganhar dinheiro. Enterrando os osso e largando as carnes pode salvar espaço na mochila para mais peles. Uma Pele de Kebbit Polar é vendida por volta de 3,200 mo no Mercado Geral,isso significa que uma mochila inteira custa quase 90,000 mo. O banco mais próximo é em Keldagrim, ou Zanaris se o jogador usar o anel das fadas que fica na montanha.


A Região do caçador de Piscatoris é localizada ao noroeste do Forte dos gnomos árboricolas. É uma longa caminhada da entrada do Forte. A parte norte da área é perto da região de Piscatoris , de modo a encurtar a viagem que você pode querer pegar o barco a leste do Pico da Águia. Esta área de caça também pode ser facilmente alcançada usando o Anel das fadas,usando o código AKQ.


A Área de caça de Uzer é localizada a oeste das ruínas de Uzer e norte de Nardah. Pode ser alcançado a pé do banco da Passagem de Shantay, em Al Kharid, então andando sudeste até atravessar a ponte do Rio Elid. A área de caça está a leste da ponte e permite capturar Canora dourada, Diabo do deserto, and Salamandra alaranjada. Existem vários métodos de acesso alternativo como o teleporte do Anel das fadas , código DLQ, o teleporte do Cetro do faraó e o sistema de transporte de Tapete voador . Traga roupas do deserto, uma faca e Odre d'água ou Tiara da água encantada para sobreviver no deserto.


Puro-Puro, é o lar dos Diabinhos e Pestinhas,pode ser acessado entrando no centro de um Circulo de plantação. Esses circulos de plantação aparecem aleatóriamente entre todos campos de trigo no RuneScape. O único permanente é localizado no centro do circulo de plantação de Zanaris. Aqueles que tenham concluído a missão Cidade perdida e estão empunhando um Cajado de Dramen ou um Cajado lunar pode entrar em Zanaris ao abrir a porta da cabana no pântano de Lumbridge , ou se eles completaram o bastante da missão "Conto de fadas 2," Eles podem entrar em Zanaris usando qualquer Anel das fadas que não é o de Zanaris para chegar no anel de Zanaris. Alternativamente, se voce tem acesso ao Espaço abissal, e ja completou a missão Cidade perdida voce pode entrar em Zanaris pela Fenda Cósmica. Uma vez dentro Zanaris, Vá para nordeste (se você veio pelos anéis), Sudoeste (Se voce veio pela cabana), ou seguir pelo caminho,passando pelo anel até chegar a nordeste (Se você veio pela rota abissal). Uma vez em Puro-Puro, você pode conversar com qualquer pestinha perto da entrada, ou com Elnock o gnomo para aprender como se joga o Impulsos Impetuosos. Há muitos pestinas diferente para capturar que voce pode vender ou saquear, e tentando caçar estas criaturas voando durante a caçada através do labirinto do campo de trigo torna um minijogo muito agradável para alguns jogadores. Esta forma de caça não dá muita experiência, mas definitivamente é a forma mais rentável para treinar aa habilidades de caça com os saques (Que pode se obter Comida, Sementes, runas, armas etc.)


Os Lagartos do pântanos estão localizados a sudeste de Canifis. Eles são uma boa opção para ganhar dinheiro até que os caçadores possam caçar Chimchompa carnívora no nível 63 de Caça. Os lagartos do pântano são , vendidos em média por 760-1,873 moedas cada. Os bancos de Canifis e Porto Phasmatys são os bancos mais próximos dessas salamandras.


Existem 2 locais de Lava:


Note: No Mapa-múndi está escrito Falcoeiro, mas esse tipo de caça se chama, Falcoaria

A área do falcoeiro fica a leste da área de caça da floresta perto de Piscatoris. Está área é utilizada para caçar Kebbits pintados,Kebitts escuros e Kebbit rápidos. Vindo do Anel das fadas com o código AKQ, ande para o leste. Falcoaria é uma área e tem a sua entrada no lado norte da cerca. A taca para alugar um falcão é de moedas;um jogador não pode levar um falcão para fora da área cercada.


Os Graahks com chifres ficam ao norte da Ilha de Cairn, na costa oeste de Karamja. É muito perto do Anel das fadas com o código para acesso CKR.


Existem vários locais de caça encontrados em Isafdar. Duas delas são a sudoeste de Lletya e a leste do Acampamento de Tyras, respectivamente. Pawyas e Grenwalls podem serem caçados nessa região.

Hunting Styles

There are several methods that a Hunter can use to catch prey. More advanced hunting styles are only available to more experienced hunters. They are described in more detail in the sections below.

1Bird Snaring
15Butterfly Netting
23Deadfall Trapping
27Box trapping (ferrets)
27Rabbit Snaring
29Net Trapping
31Pitfall Trapping
53Box Trapping
71Magical Imp Boxes

It is possible to set more than one Bird snare, Rabbit snare, Box trap, Magic box, Net Trap, or Pit-fall trap. The number of such simultaneous traps increases with skill level. Hunters can only place a single Deadfall trap.

LevelNumber of concurrent traps


Level 1+ Bring Noose wand

Tracking Kebbits

Tracking requires a noosing wand which can be purchased from the hunter shops for about 4 coins.

Some Kebbits live in burrows. To hunt them, search their burrows to find some tracks, which will lead away from the burrows. Search the nearby bushes, snow drifts, logs, tunnels, etc., until you discover more tracks. At the end of the track, which can extend for 4-5 searches, you will receive a message suggesting that a Kebbit is inside the object. Right-click 'Attack' while wielding a noosing wand to receive loot and experience.

Each player follows a unique track and does not compete with other players to get kebbits.

Catching a Kebbit gives the player Bones, raw beast meat, and kebbit fur. The hides obtained from Kebbit Tracking can be used to make Camouflage costumes. All camouflage outfits can be put in the armour case in the costume room. You can also use polar kebbit fur for summoning.

1File:Polar kebbit.PNGPolar KebbitN Snow30Fur for Polar camouflage gear
3File:Common kebbit.PNGCommon KebbitWoodland S of icon36Fur for Wood camouflage gear
7File:Feldip weasel.PNGFeldip WeaselSW Jungle48Fur for Jungle camouflage gear
13File:Desertdevil.gifDesert DevilDesert66Fur for Desert camouflage gear
49File:Razorbacked kebbit.PNGRazor-backed KebbitNE Woodland348Long kebbit spike for bolts

Bird Snaring

Level 1+

Catching birds

Using bird snares, available from the hunter shops for about 6 coins, you can trap birds. After setting up a trap, if a bird flies over and attempts to perch on top of it, it may catch the bird. If it fails to catch the bird, or if the trap falls over by itself (it will after a set amount of time), the trap will have to be dismantled and set up again; or, you can just right-click 'Lay bird snare' to reset the trap. You receive experience when taking the ensnared bird from the trap. You also get bones, raw bird meat, and coloured feathers.

At Level 39 Hunter, a player is able to smoke a trap. Smoking traps removes a player's scent and increases the chance of snaring a bird. Torches are available at hunter shops and can be lit with a Tinderbox.

A player needs to set the snare where the birds will fly over it and wait for one to come. Only one snare can be placed on one tile, so players compete with each other to get a spot. A higher hunter skill level gives a better bird catch rate. Players who are not patient might wish to combine bird snaring with the more active Kebbit Tracking. It should be noted that the traps should not be left unattended, as they may fall over and become dropped items visible to other players a short period after falling over.

1File:Crimson swift.PNGCrimson SwiftJungle34Red feathers
5File:Golden warbler.PNGGolden WarblerDesert48Yellow feathers
9File:Copper longtail sm.PNGCopper LongtailWoodland61Orange feathers
11File:Cerulean twitch sm.PNGCerulean TwitchSnow64.67Blue feathers
19File:Tropical wagtail.PNGTropical WagtailJungle95.2Striped feathers
39File:Wimpy bird.PNGWimpy birdOo'glog167Wimpy feather

Butterfly Netting

Level 15+

Catching a butterfly

A player wielding a butterfly net and carrying a butterfly jar may catch a butterfly by clicking on it. In fact, with a horizontal camera angle, players may click on the space below the butterfly; this may be easier as the butterflies are quite small. A butterfly can be netted by only one player, the one who started first. The butterfly may be released from the jar immediately, allowing you to hunt another. They yield low experience, and are best combined with some form of trapping. Although players can't move while releasing a butterfly, they can perform other actions at the same time, such as laying a box trap. Butterflies have a more practical use than just gaining experience; they can be released on other players in multiple combat areas to enhance the Melee Combat Skills Attack, Strength, Defence, or Hitpoints.

15File:Ruby harvest.PNGRuby HarvestWoodland24Raises Attack
25File:Sapphire glacialis.PNGSapphire GlacialisSnow34Raises Defence
35File:Snowy knight.PNGSnowy KnightSnow44Restores Hitpoints
45File:Black warlock.PNGBlack WarlockJungle54Raises Strength

Impling Netting

Level 17+

Impling netting is quite similar to butterfly netting. However, players are hunting implings and therefore require a jar treated with impling repellent. The repellent is made by crushing 8 cooked anchovies with a pestle and mortar, pouring them into a vial through a sieve, mixing it with flowers such as Rosemary or Marigold, then refining it at the Rimmington lamp oil distillery.

See Impetuous Impulses.

Deadfall Trapping

A set-up Deadfall trap in the Woodlands.
Level 23+

Some Kebbits need to be trapped using a deadfall trap. You will need a knife and a log in your inventory, and you will need to set up a trap in the appropriate, specified locations (click around the boulders). These seem to be excellent experience, and taking a hatchet with you to the locations is recommended.

LevelImageCreatureLocationExpBaitDrops (bones plus)Drop use
23File:Wild kebbit.PNGWild KebbitWWoodland128Raw meatKebbit clawsSpiky vambraces
33File:Barbtailed kebbit.PNGBarb-tailed KebbitJungle168Raw rainbow fishBarb-tail harpoonEquipable harpoon
37File:Prickly kebbit.PNGPrickly KebbitNWWoodland204BarleyKebbit spikeHunter's crossbow bolts
44File:Diseased kebbit.pngDiseased kebbitOo'glog200Fever grassDiseased kebbit furDavy kebbit hat
51File:Sabretooth kebbit.PNGSabre-toothed KebbitSW Snow200Raw meatKebbit teethHunting potion
51File:Penguinhunt.pngPenguinSnow210PenguinnothingTurn in to PBJ agent, in order to get extra Hunter experience

Baiting a deadfall trap does increase the chances of catching prey drastically. The bait is not returned to the inventory after catching an animal. Other ways to increase success rate are wearing the appropriate hunting attire and smoking the deadfall trap with a Torch(requires a Hunter level of 39).

Box Trapping

Level 53+ (27+ after completing Eagles' Peak quest or with 10+ Summoning )

Similar to bird snaring, box-trapping involves laying a box trap on the ground and waiting for your prey to come. After a certain period of time, the box trap will collapse, requiring the player to pick it back up or lay it again. Experience is only gained after the player retrieves the trapped animal or monster.

Box traps can be baited or smoked, both of which increases the rates of success for catching chinchompas (although most players report the rate is not significant). Normal chinchompas like spicy chopped tomatoes, while red chinchompas prefer spicy minced meat. The bait for Ferrets is raw meat. The bait disappears after a successful trap. When using four box traps, a Hunter has just enough time to set all the traps.

27File:Gecko.gifGeckoNorth-west of the Shipyard100Gecko
27File:Raccoon.jpgRaccoonBarbarian Village100Raccoon
27File:Monkey.gifMonkeyShilo Village100Monkey
48File:Platypus.pngPlatypusBeach south of Oo'glogPlatypus
63File:Red chinchompa.PNGCarnivorous ChinchompaJungle265Red Chinchompa
66File:Pawya icon.pngPawyaIsafdar400Raw pawya meat
77File:Grenwall icon.pngGrenwallIsafdar1100Grenwall spikes

The trapped ferrets appear in your inventory. They can be used during Rabbit Snaring. Left clicking the ferret in the inventory will release the trapped animal. Trapped Chinchompas are stackable and can be used as a multi-target ranged weapon.

Hunting Red Chinchompas yield 20K Experience per hour at 63. At 80 Hunting Red Chinchompas give about 50k-70k Experience per hour. At 95 Hunting Red Chinchompas will give constant 80k-100k Experience per hour as well as making a fair amount of money. At 95 Hunter accompanied by the Arctic Bear (71 Summoning; invisible +7 Hunter level boost) some players have been able to catch upwards of 450 Red Chinchompas per hour consistently which is 120k+ xp per hour. Red chinchompas sell for quite a bit (currently Exchange:Red chinchompa coins each) as well as being stackable, so you won't have to go to and from to the bank, which is a great time saver.

Rabbit Snaring

Level 27+

Woodland rabbit holes

As a reward from the Eagles' Peak quest, hunters can use a Rabbit snare to catch Rabbits. Also bring box traps to capture ferrets to chase rabbits from their burrows.

Rabbits can be found in the far south part of the Woodland hunter area. Six rabbit holes are arranged in a circle pattern. Ferrets are just south of the rabbit holes.

To be able to catch Rabbits, a hunter needs as many Rabbit snares as the Hunter level permits. Perhaps a little more as Rabbit snares disappear quite rapidly. Bring about 3 or 4 box traps for the ferrets to capture 3 or 4 ferrets.

Rabbit foot

Place a Rabbit snare in front of the rabbit holes. Then left click a Rabbit hole (Flush Rabbit hole) and a ferret will chase the Rabbits out another rabbit hole which can then be caught in a Rabbit snare.

Messages: You place a ferret down the rabbit hole. A second later, a rabbit runs out from the other side of the warren. A ferret can be used several times until it runs away. There is no sign of your ferret. It seems to have run away. No ferret: I'm too big to get in there to scare the rabbits out myself. When trapped: You've caught a white rabbit.

From the snare a hunter obtains bones, Raw rabbit meat and a Rabbit foot. A campfire is available to cook the raw rabbit.

Stringing a Rabbit foot gives 4 Crafting experience. The Strung Rabbit foot provides a small increase in probability to get a Bird's nestdrop if it is worn during Woodcutting.

27File:White Rabbit.PNGWhite RabbitWoodland144

Net Trapping

Level 29+

Net trapping is used to trap lizards, salamanders, and squirrels . With a rope and small fishing net in the inventory, clicking on ayoung tree will set the trap. When the lizard or salamander passes, it may be caught. Bait may increase the catch rate for lizards and salamanders and is made by using the herb with 15 swamp tar with a pestle and mortar. If you do not use bait for a trappingsquirrels, they will only trip the trap and you will not catch one. If your Summoning level is 60, you can drop the squirrel and it will remain as a pet.

A player setting up a net trap to catch a Red Salamander.
29File:Swamp lizard.PNGSwamp LizardSwampGuam Tar152
29File:Baby pet squirrel inv.pngSquirrelEast of Taverley and Varrock, several places north, north-east of Falador, east of Sorcerer's TowerNuts152
47File:Orange Salamander.PNGOrange SalamanderDesertMarrentill Tar224
59File:Red Salamander.PNGRed SalamanderLava - Near Ourania CaveTarromin Tar272
67File:Black Salamander.PNGBlack SalamanderLava - WildernessHarralander Tar304

Creature ranged weapon reward

The caught creature can be turned into a 2-handed ranged weapon which is loaded with 15 lots of herb tar.

Creature as weaponMagic, Range and Attack LevelSlash / Range / Strength Combat BonusesHerb
Swamp lizard (weapon)30+10 / +20 / +22Guam leaf
Orange salamander (weapon)50+19 / +29 / +31Marrentill
Red salamander (weapon)60+37 / +47 / +49Tarromin
Black salamander (weapon)70+59 / +69 / +71Harralander

Attack style will increase selected skill experience.

Attack styleSkill exp

Ammunition for Salamander range weapons

The production of the various type of ammunition for the Salamander ranged weapons is done using the Herblore skill. The required herblore levels and associated experience are:

Herb TarHerblore levelHerblore Experience
Guam Tar1930
Marrentill Tar3142.5
Tarromin Tar3955
Harralander Tar4467.5

Pitfall Trapping

Level 31+

Pit-fall hunting involves building a pit, using logs and a knife in special spots in the Jungle, near Cairn Isle and Trollweiss Hunting Area. Build the pit-fall trap, then tease the relevant monster with a teasing stick. Now run back to the pit and jump over it. The creature will often jump over the pit and attack you. Unlike most other hunted creatures, pitfall trapping creatures will do damage, so food may be a good idea. Since creatures will not jump the same pit twice in a row, you must move to another nearby hot-spot to build another pit-fall and try again. The pit-fall trap will collapse after a certain amount of time. You collect furs when emptying the trap, which can be made into hunter gear in the Varrock fancy-dress shop. You can buy them from the Grand Exchange for a fine price, too. The furs may be tattered or "perfect"; tattered furs are only suitable for bodies or legs, but perfect furs are suitable for headpieces, bodies and legs. One receives perfect fur approximately one-fourth of the time. It takes 3 furs plus coins to make a set. Alternatively, you may sell the furs in Ardougne or on the Grand Exchange to other players who wish to use them to trainSummoning.

LevelImageCreatureLocationExpOutfitSuitable forTop/leg costHat cost
31File:Spined larupia.PNGSpined LarupiaJungle180Larupia hunter gearJungle WoodlandPredefinição:Exchange:Larupia top/Predefinição:Exchange:Larupia legsPredefinição:Exchange:Larupia hat
41File:Horned graahk.PNGHorned GraahkCairn Island240Graahk hunter gearDesertPredefinição:Exchange:Graahk top/Predefinição:Exchange:Graahk legsPredefinição:Exchange:Graahk headdress
55File:Sabretooth kyatt.PNGSabre-toothed kyattSnow300Kyatt hunter gearSnowPredefinição:Exchange:Kyatt top/Predefinição:Exchange:Kyatt legsPredefinição:Exchange:Kyatt hat


Level 43+
Hunter with Falcon

At the northern part of the Falconer area, hunters can borrow a Gyr Falcon and a Falconer's glove from the falcon expert Matthias for a fee of 500 coins. Random events can result in loss of the Falcon and Glove, so additional coins might be useful. Both hands must be free for falconry. With a falcon, players can hunt forSpotted kebbits, Dark kebbits and Dashing kebbits. During the flight of the falcon, the kebbit may move resulting in a miss after which the falcon will return to the glove of the hunter. During the falcon flight, hunters cannot move. When the falcon catches the kebbit, the hunter needs to retrieve both the falcon and the drops. A yellow arrow marks the location of the falcon with its catch. If the falcon is not retrieved within a short time, the player will get this message, "Your falcon has left its prey. You see it heading back toward the falconer." A player can talk with the falcon expert Matthias to get the falcon back without cost; however, no experience is given as the prey has gone and it takes extra time.

A Falcon catching a Dark kebbit.

The kebbits have a relatively fast respawn, which gives impressive training speed. However, competition from other falcon hunters can substantially reduce speed and adversely impact training. Although the success rate is supposedly not affected by proximity, running up to the target before catching it may improve success rate. This is because success is strongly affected by whether or not the target is moving. Falcons travel at a definitive speed, so if it is further away then it is harder to predict when the target will be moving or not. Another reason is that if it fails, it takes much less time to return to the hunter which can seriously affect training time. Of course, the success rate is also based on the player's Hunter level.

43File:Spotted kebbit.PNGSpotted Kebbit104Spotted fur
57File:Dark kebbit.PNGDark Kebbit132Dark fur
69File:Dashing kebbit.PNGDashing Kebbit156Dashing kebbit fur

The hides from the kebbits can be converted into fancy clothing items in the Varrock fancy clothing store. Level 40 Hunter is able to make all 3 sets. However, a higher level is required for wearing some of the clothing. With the Boots of lightness coupled with the Spottier cape and Penance gloves players can reduce their weight by 10–13 kg.

HideLevel to wearClothing itemCost: 2 furs +Effect
Spotted fur40Spotted cape400reduces weight of wearer by 2.5 kg.
Dark fur54Gloves of silence600increased success during thieving
Dashing kebbit fur66Spottier Cape800reduces weight of wearer by 4.5 kg

A level 60 hunter can expect to catch 20 Dark Kebbits in approximately 4 minutes, targeting a single respawn location. Using multiple respawns is possible but leaves almost no time to drop the bones and furs. The time to drop all items yields adds a further 20 seconds; hence, the average experience per hour is around 35,000.

Magical Imp Boxes

Level 71+

Place a magic box trap where imps are found:

  • Edgeville, south
  • Falador, south and west
  • Karamja
  • Lumbridge
  • Varrock
  • Yanille
  • On the path between Lumbridge and Draynor

In addition, beads from killing imps (Imp Catcher quest) may be used for bait. Beads may be taken by the imp without getting trapped requiring the trap to be reset.

71File:Hunt Imp.PNGImpWorldwideMagical bead450

Boxed imps can take 1-2 items from the inventory to the bank in exchange for being released. Imps will not bank for you once you're past level 30 Wilderness. Players can have more than 1 boxed imp. An imp can also be found wandering around the exit at the Soul Wars Minigame.



Eagle transport system

After completing the Eagle's Peak quest, a player has access to use the eagle transport system from Eagles' Peak to the other 3 Hunter training areas - snow, jungle, and desert. After completing Back to my Roots you will have access to a new eagle.

Temporary Boosts

  • Hunter potions require level 53 Herblore to make using Avantoe and Kebbit teeth dust (from Sabre-tooth kebbit) for 120 Herblore experience; they temporarily raise the player's Hunter level by 3.
  • Yellow Spicy stews can alter your level by up to +6, but also to -6. There is only a 1/60 chance of receiving a +6 bonus, whilst a 1/20 chance of a +5 bonus.
  • Using the Mud Bath in Oo'glog after completing As a First Resort will give you a +7 temporary Hunter boost. At level 50, it will increase it by 8 levels. The Mud Bath also eliminates your scent, saving you from using a torch.

The following boosts do not affect what you can catch. They only affect the rate at which you catch.

Hunter items used in other skills

There are a number of items that only can be obtained by meaning of hunting:

Cape of Achievement

A player wearing a Hunter cape (t) and performing the Skillcape emote.
A player attains 99 hunter.

For players with level 99 Hunter, a Hunter cape can be bought from the Hunting expert in the Jungle Training Area. The cape will cost 99,000 coins, like all other Capes of Achievement.


  • The Hunter skillcape emote resembles the board game 'Mouse Trap'.
  • While doing Falconry, if you pick up your falcon or bury a bone, your glove will temporarily disappear.
  • On 1 April 2009 (April Fools' Day), "Seagulls have now been added to the Hunter skill and can be found along some coastlines. You'll need to wave your butterfly net in a gullible fashion to catch these birds", was added to the patch notes. This resulted in a team of players searching for gulls to catch, only to realise how gullible they had been.

Main Page Changes

On the day of the skill's release, the two rock pillars on each side of the RuneScape main page were replaced with totem poles, on which were drawings of imps, lizards, and razorbacked kebbits. A few pawprints were also scattered around the tiled background.

RuneScape main page

Login Screen Changes

RuneScape login screen

The login screen was changed as well. A piece of graahk fur was hung on each side of the screen, and a pair of orange salamanders clung onto the pillars. A box trap appeared below the login box, while a butterfly was placed on the top-left corner of the login box. A patch of grass grew on the bottom of the screen, parting at the middle. The burning rune symbols were replaced with pawprints, dinosaurs, kebbits, and butterflies. It has now been changed back to its normal screen. There was a supposed hidden monster.

In-game changes

An eagle's eyrie at the Trollheimhunter area.

A cave was placed in three of the hunting grounds, where those who have completed the Eagle's Peak quest may fly to and from the Eagle's Peak mountain.

Though unconfirmed, the rate at which random event occurs seems to increase while hunting (especially at the red chinchompa's located just south of Yanille.)


Most hunters who continue hunting to level 99 (who are not power training) end up with at least 30 million coins from selling over 47,000 Red chinchompas whilst progressing from level 63 to level 99. However, Hunter is still a very profitable skill and you can still get many coins from various other training methods.

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